Lousy 21st Century Ideas

I love black and white movies, I don’t like them when they are re-coloured as I keep thinking ‘was that dress really green?’ Why can’t they be watched in black & white? Can you imagine ‘Nosferatu’ re-coloured? It was really scary because it was black and white!

ADD . . . and-so-much-more

Ego-fueled ideas from
already wealthy “just business” people
(with too much money and too little heart-centered education)

© Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, CTP, CMC, ACT, MCC, SCAC
Back to the Monday-Grumpy-Monday Series

Are 21st Century Capitalists Taking America Backwards?

Each year during the Christmas Season I seek out my favorite classic Christmas films to watch again: White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol, and many other films that have stood the test of time with a jaded American public.

This year I finally located one of my lesser-known favorites, “A Christmas Memory,” adapted from a short story by Truman Capote, originally published in Mademoiselle magazine in December 1956, and reprinted in The Selected Writings of Truman Capote in 1963.

Found HERE

The largely autobiographical story takes place in the 1930s, beautifully recreating a period in the lives of the seven-year-old narrator and an elderly woman who is his distant cousin…

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5 thoughts on “Lousy 21st Century Ideas

  1. “Can you imagine ‘Nosferatu’ re-coloured? It was really scary because it was black and white!” YES!

    Like I said in the article: “one of the worst things about the colorization of black and white films is that what works beautifully in black and white may not necessarily work at ALL in color.” The cinematographers worked WITH the black and white medium, not around it. (Same with still photographers who shoot in black and white)

    I know a lot of your followers are writers – artists always get the problem when art of any type is “improved” by anyone but the originator. Shoot, even editors sometimes don’t get that frustration ::grin::

    But at least it happens with the consent of the author – eventually, anyway. 🙂 When 1%-ers like Turner colorize older films hoping to increase profits through a re-market to newer audiences, often there’s nobody around willing to fight for their rights to their original artistic statement.

    Thanks so much for spreading the word that MANY of us don’t think colorized versions are *better* – for those of us who understand and appreciate nuance, they really aren’t.

    I doubt that the gazillionares care much what we think, unfortunately, as long as they can add a few shekels to an already bloated bottom line. I just had to dump my frustrations and ring out in support of art and artists.


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  2. I am throwing my hat into the ‘agreement’ ring. I have never seen a colourised film that was anywhere near as good as a B&W original, and cannot recall a remake that was better either. (Some were almost as good, like ‘Cape Fear’, but they are the exception.)
    Instead of messing around with old films, or remaking classics, I would like to see film-makers have some original thoughts for once.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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