Writing a book review. A hamster dude’s guide.

shehanne moore


 Loving Lady Lazuli

According to Romance Writers of America, romance books garnered $1.08 billion in sales in 2013 and accounted for 34% of the fiction market. With stats like that, I’m wondering why I didn’t choose the romance genre but then I remembered — I have no talent for it. Ah, but Lady Shey does. Loving Lady Lazuli is the classic storyline of boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy meets girl again, but told as a relentless, breathy romantic mystery.

It’s been decades since I read a bodice-ripper if you don’t count the Outlander series by Diana Gabladon which markets itself as romance, but is really a hybrid — the love child of Romance and Historical Fiction — and I may have never read another one if I didn’t chance upon Shehanne Moore’s blog and struck up a friendship with the Lady Shey.

Now, announcing your…

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5 thoughts on “Writing a book review. A hamster dude’s guide.

  1. I have concluded that Shay has distilled Hamster Juice from her pets, and has got it to 100% proof. So I am going to try to find some, then get roaring drunk with Count Prickula, on a night out in Beetley Meadows.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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