A strange gift…

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo


Like most mothers, I have been the recipient of some strange gifts in my time. When children are young, what seems appropriate in their eyes may seem downright bizarre to an adult observer not privy to the inner workings of their imagination. By the time your children reach adulthood, it is to be expected that the gifts settle into more conventional channels. The experience of those early years, however, may occasionally still stand you in good stead. Which is why, instead of being as confused as the dog by the significance of my son’s latest gift, I was jubilant.

He gave me a stone.

Not, I hasten to add, a scintillating gem set in gold or silver. Just a small, ordinary-looking lump of rock, very light and with a curious texture. It appears to be solidified lava.  In reality, it is something infinitely more precious.


For the past couple of…

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