Making friends with CHANGE

ADD . . . and-so-much-more

Habits, Brain Changes & Brain Aging
Why your brain resists change
and how you can make it do what’s good for it – Part I

© Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, CTP, CMC, ACT, MCC, SCAC
from the Brain-Based Series
Collaboration with
Jodie’s Touch of Style

“A mind equipped with a wide range of
previously formed
pattern recognition devices
can withstand the effects of neuroerosion
for a long time.”

~ Dr. Elkhonon Goldberg, PhD, from
The Wisdom Paradox 

About the Brain that Changes Itself

It took science a long time to agree that an old idea was not only obsolete, but completely WRONG.

Until 1970, it was generally believed that the brain might as well be carved in stone after a certain childhood window of a great deal of change.

What is practically universally accepted these days is that our brains change and grow throughout our lives.

In fact, learning…

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4 thoughts on “Making friends with CHANGE

  1. Thanks so much for reblogging this background for the announcement of a new and different collaboration between a brain-based blog and a mid-life fashion blog!!!! This was a fun one for both of use to put together, so I’m excited to think that, thanks to you, it might get some new readership.

    Liked by 1 person

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