13 thoughts on “Have yourself a merry time mutant Christmas

  1. With N-24, sometimes I am sure I must surely be a time mutant myself. So if I can enslave another, does that mean I will be able to fall asleep and wake up at what most folks consider “a decent hour?” hmmmmm . . . there have been a few really mean not-quite-human beings who might develop a bit of empathy if I chose them.

    There’s that coven of mean girls who insisted on holding our virtual committee meetings at a time I TOLD them was the absolute worst for my reliability – then ganged up to try to ruin my professional reputation when it turned out to be true, despite the fact that they said they’d understand if I sometimes couldn’t make it.

    And that teacher who wouldn’t give me a make-up exam because he didn’t believe that sleep-timing disorders were a real thing. Trashed my GPA when he averaged in a ZERO.

    Also in contention is a particular psychopharm who refused to believe that nite-time stimulants help and warm milk makes things worse, despite the references I gave her to a Yale ADD expert’s website revealing that a great many of his ADD patients with sleep challenges reported the same, and that his professional experience was that it was true.

    And that other psychopharm who most recently . . . w-e-l-l, I’ll have to think about it. Do I have to pick just one?
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

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  2. My darling Madelyn I will send Time Mutant Morte your way. I am sure if you have a word in shell-like, despite the fact he is pretty difficult, he just might help you out an let you choose ALL of these nasty people. If he doesn’t I will. All my love and don’t let the bastards beat yah . merry Xmas

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  3. Hahahaha True but I was always in trouble anyway. Not the sneaking out of school type trouble, but the ‘Sister may I ask a question’ type trouble. Although once I was talking to a boy outside the school gates and I was summoned to the deputy head’s office. She told me I was bringing the school’s name into disrepute by talking to the boy whilst in my school uniform. I thought this was ridiculous as I was about three feet away from him while we talked (and it was just talking). So I offered to take off my uniform next time I spoke to a boy outside school. – Five weeks detention hahahaha!

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  4. I am not a mutant. I am a Christmas curmudgeon who believes that Christmas should be an everyday occurrence. Kindness, courtesy, manners, random acts of charity, gifting to strangers who are needy, paying it forward. And forgetting about the commercial aspect devoted to overindulged children, mandatory fun with people yo don’t like, giving and receiving meaningless or half-hearted gifts that either get exchanged or re-gifted. Christmas should be in the day to day Heart and Soul.

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